Tunnel to Towers 5K Run & Walk

Battleship Memorial Park will be the starting point for this year's Tunnel to Towers Run.  This run is held in memory of 9/11.  Runners will race through Mobile's Bankhead Tunnel as part of the race course, ending in downtown Mobile.  For information contact mobile@tunnel2tower.org

20th Anniversary Commemoration Service of September 11

USS ALABAMA Battleship Memorial Park 2703 Battleship Parkway, Mobile, AL, United States

Please join us at the Fallen Heroes Memorial as we commemorate the 20th anniversary of September 11.  Keynote speaker for the event will be Brad Israel, Major, Infantry, U.S. Army, President and Founder of Warrior 360, and Chief Leadership Advisor for 68 Ventures.  The event has limited seating, so bring a lawn chair with you. [...]
